- The second edition of the international conference ELSEDIMA-RO 2002, took place in the Aula Magna hall of the „Babeş-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca, as well as in the amphitheatre of the Environmental Protection College of „Babeş-Bolyai” University, in Turda.
- The conference was organized under the aegis of several prestige institutions, such as the Stability Pact – The Disasters Preparedness and Prevention Initiative, DPPI, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, the Romanian Civil Protection Command, The Ministry of Environment and Water Management, the Geography Institute of the Romanian Academy, the Research Institute of Analytical Instrumentation, ICIA Cluj-Napoca and the Regional Center for Major Industrial Accident Prevention, CRAIM, Cluj-Napoca.
- The organization of this conference intended mainly to develop a co-operational basis on national and international level, with a view to implement the major industrial accident and technological disasters management prevention policies: the Seveso II Directive, safety studies and reports, obligations of economic agents, the communities’ right to knowledge, risk communication, risk management, emergency plans, decision making, risk assessment strategies, residual risk level assessment, residual risk in the caseof the old plants and technologies, exposure analysis and public health. 91 participants pursued the debates of the conference, among which 12 foreigners (Stefano Boy – European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety; Cvetka Tomin Crajic – Stability Pact) and 79 Romanians (acad. Dan Bălteanu – the Geography Institute of the Romanian Academy; Francisc Czobor – The Ministry of Environment and Water Management).
- Also, within the same editon of the conference there was launched officially the „Regional Center for Major Industrial Accident Prevention, CRAIM,” by finalizing the MENER Programme No. 098/2001.