- “Babeş-Bolyai” University – Faculty of Environmental Sciences, has organized, in co-operation with Regional Center for Major Industrial Accidents Prevention (CRAIM) and the Disasters Preparedness and Prevention Initiative (DDPI) from the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, the Romanian Civil Protection Command, The Ministry of Environment and Water Management, the Civil Protection Command Inspectorate Cluj, the Research Institute of Analytical Instrumentation, ICIA Cluj-Napoca, the Romanian Waters Administration, the International Conference: „Environmental Legislation, Safety Engineering and Disaster Management” the 4th edition.
- This international scientifical reunion’s remarkable amplitude and importance are illustrated both by organisation, participation, thematic, all the major objectives of the conference having been achieved: creating an internal and international co-operation basis for implementation of the Seveso II Directives (dangerous substances industrial accidents) and the analysis of the essential aspects regarding the integrated prevention and pollution control (IPPC).
- The international reunion in Cluj-Napoca raised and debated courageously the issue of the profound ethical and moral implications of the technological progress and their reverse – environmental pollution, but of the other two components of the sustainable development: the social and the economical, extremely important to local and regional communities.
- The activities of the conference continued in the amphitheatre of the Environmental Protection College of „Babeş-Bolyai” University – Faculty of Environmental Sciences, in Turda with the sections entitled: Community, Mining and Environment and Water Management and Environmental Protection. Also, a seminar on the theme: Re-mining as a Promoter of Community Growth - Reducing Environment & Security Risks in South Eastern Europe; Social Challenges in Re-developing Mining; Considerations Regarding the Depollution of Mining Site Roşia Poieni took place.
- ELSEDIMA RO IV gathered 190 experts from 12 countries, representing different organizations and institutions, from numerous fields of activity closely connected to the problems of integrated prevention and pollution control, as well as the major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances: Hungary, Croatia (Cvetka Tomin Crajic – Stability Pact), Slovenia, Great Britain (Allan Mowat – Environ UK Limited), Czech Republic, Germany (Friesel Peter - Institute for Hygiene and Health), United States of America (Douglas Fowler - Occupational and Environmental Health Services), Italy, Sweden (Gyllentri Ronnie - Swedish Rescue Services Agency; Phillip Peck - International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University), Republic of Moldova, Macedonia, Romania.
- We have to emphasize the extraordinary interest manifested by the Romanian stakeholders in this field, thus being represented governmental, nongovernmental, academic institutions and organizations, economic agents. The conference was followed by an international training course in the field of technological disasters management (25 -27 October) organized by The Stability Pact, DPPI and CRAIM. There participated 18 experts from the South-Eastern Europe and 4 experts from Italy and Sweeden.